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Learning Colors with Educational Toys for Preschoolers

When I was a preschool teacher long ago I would help the little ones learn colors by having a celebration day. For instance one day we would celebrate the color red and everything in the playschool would be that color. There would be red play dough, different shades of red at the paint easel, red counting toys and red water in the water table. Snack would be juicy red watermelon. We would have red stories and songs, and we would play “I spy with my little eye something that is (you guessed it!) Red”!!! The children and I would be wearing red. You get the idea… One day I was dressed head to toe in yellow. A father was dropping off his child and I asked him if he knew what we were celebrating today; he looked me up and down and seriously said, “Banana Day?” I think I enjoyed the planning and the hoopla more than the children and I don’t know if this extravaganza really had any major impact on learning colors.
Children learn their colors through every day activities. Dad points out the color of the child’s shirt when he is helping her dress. Mom asks her to find matching socks. A youngster picks out the color of jello to make. Parents play “I Spy” with their kids. When making icing a grandparent may mix 2 colors to make a new color.  There are so many ways to help your child in learning colors.

Educational toys for preschool are particularly excellent for encouraging color recognition. Large stringing beads in primary colors are super for developing fine motor skills; they are also great for matching, sorting and identifying colors as the kids thread the beads onto the string. Jumbo sized colored pegs and pegboards are also fine for learning colors. Pegs that come in different shades of color are an additional bonus. Counting toys for toddlers, such as rainbow counting bears with matching sorting cups are perfect for learning colors. In fact any colorful counting toy can be used, especially when partnered with colored patterning cards.

Learning colors should not be a chore; it should be part of daily living and play. Educational toys for preschoolers and counting toys for toddlers can provide additional opportunities for your child to learn colors.

For more information click here. educational toys for 2 year olds


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